Monday, February 15, 2010

Honors Vocabulary Words #2

1. accord
2. bias
3. incognito
4. deduct
5. paradigm
6. plagiarize
7. objectivity
8. precipitous
9. recapitulate
10. reciprocate
11. empathy

Monday, February 8, 2010

Barter and I

Right before grandpa passed away, he gave me an orange turban. I remember him looking at me with those crystal blue yes of his and saying “With this turban, you can go anywhere you want to go, be anyone who want to be… live any life you want to live”. It wasn’t until my 8th birthday that I realized he meant what he told me in a literal way.
I had tried on the orange turban many times prior to my birthday but the thought nothing special of it. It was like a toy to me, nothing else.
I woke up on my birthday feeling really excited. I grabbed my orange turban and dashed out of my room to my find parents. They’d asked me a couple of weeks ago what I wanted for my birthday and I told them I wanted only ONE thing, “A dog”. That’s what I said every year of course; do you think I ever got one? Nope. I was hoping this year would be different, but I wasn’t counting on it. As soon as I ran into the living room, I stopped. Sitting right there on the middle of our carpet was this monster of a dog with a giant red bow on it. I was shocked… my parents had actually gone through with it this year.
As soon as me and my dog, barter, locked eyes, we knew we were meant or each other. He ran out the door, and I ran after him. As soon as I caught up to him something told me to put on my orange turban. Once I put it on, something took over me. My body felt like it was floating, and maybe because it was. Barter and I were up in the air. I wasn’t sure of where we were going… all I knew was that we were going EVERYWHERE.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Honors Vocabulary Words #1

flourish : to be in a vigorous state; thrive
"My plants seemed to flourish, once I began to play classical music for them"

guerilla - a member of an irregular armed force that fights a stronger force by sabotage and harassment
"The countries participated in guerrilla warfare"

renegade -a person who deserts a party or cause for another
"Many of the people who came over on the Mayflower were renegades, looking to escape England"

repose -the state of reposing or being at rest; rest; sleep
"After a long day I usually take a repose in my quarters"

stereotype -One that is regarded as embodying or conforming to a set image or type.
"Because I love to learn and study often, I am stereotyped as a nerd"

symbiosis -A relationship of mutual benefit or dependence
"Flowers and bee's live in symbiosis, mutually benefiting from each other"

tariff -an official list of the duties or customs imposed by a government on imports or exports.
"During the Tea Act, people were forced to pay a tariff on the tea that they bought"

tempo -rate or rhythm of activity; a pace
"The tempo at which she played the piano was perfect for the song"

tranquility -quality or state of being tranquil; calmness; peacefulness; quiet; serenity
"The tranquility of the lake had a calming affect on me"

tumult -violent and noisy commotion or disturbance of a crowd or mob; uproar
"The speech given by the president, caused great tumult among the crowd"

tundra -one of the vast, treeless plains of the arctic regions of Europe, Asia, and North America.
"The arctic tundra was empty and frigid"

unanimous -of one mind; in complete agreement; agreed
"By a unanimous vote of 10 to 0, the "Go Green" club voted to create a recycling program at school"

Creative Writing #1: KARL

Today in class we had the opportunity to write a creative piece based on one or more pictures from Bill Sullivan's Turnstile Photography Project. The following is the narrative I wrote based on the man pictured to the left.

Karl, his name is Karl. That’s it.

I’ve been watching Karl for the last couple of months now.

No, I don’t mean in that creepy stalker way.

He just takes the same subway cart that I’m usually on in the mornings.

I don’t know much about him, other than the fact he works at Sav-A-Lot and has what almost seems, an unhealthy obsession with music.

Today’s my day off; most people would spend it sleeping in, catching up on work, or hanging out with friend, but not me.

I’m going to spend it watching Karl.

Okay, once again, I’m not some creepy stalker chick… I just find him interesting.

I’m not even sure what he’s doing right now. He just left the subway stop looking he was enjoying whatever song was blasting through is head phones.

It almost sounded like The Doors….no…maybe.

Whatever the case, he can’t seem to wipe that silly grin off of his face. Jesus, I’ve never seen someone so enthralled with one song.

I’ve you’ve ever seen Karl, you’ve probably noticed this weird walk he does, kind of like the one he’s doing now, except a bit more exaggerated.

He kind of reminds me of Gumby.

He walks way too fast for my liking, where in the world does he have to get to that is so urg…

Wait, really?

I should have realized.

He was walking so fast to get to Henry’s Hot Dog Stand.

That place is busy night and day.

I don’t understand why everyone likes Henry’s so much.

His hot dogs aren’t even that good.

What is taking Karl so long?

Last time I checked, it didn’t take forever just to buy a stinkin’ hot dog.

Eww, well that’s why he’s taking forever.

I guess he just loves his relish.

Who in the world loves relish?

You know what I’ve realized?

That, that first bite of any food you are going to eat gives it all way. It tells you whether you’re going to enjoy the meal or not. It’s either good or satisfactory and in the worst cases, it’s disgusting.

But I can never tell with Karl. He seems to always have that same face plastered on him no matter what number bite he’s taking, he just looks like he’s in pain. His entire face squishes together, almost like a pug and his mouth opens up like one of those Hippos’s you see on the Discovery channel getting ready to attack. It’s weird.

Whatever, at least now he’s slowed down. I thought I was going to pass out from how fast I had to walk to keep up with him.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a weirder kid then Karl. He dresses in Polo’s with jeans that are way too ripped from the bottom. He doesn’t seem to comb his hair or do anything else for a matter of fact.

I know it seems that all I’m doing is criticizing him. I guess I am…but there’s a lot of things about Karl that I like.

Like the fact that he smells like home or the fact that every time he see’s a little kid, his face lights up like a giant light bulb.

Or the fact that right now, he’s going to volunteer at the old folks home down the street for no reason at all.

Sure, Karl is strange and doesn’t seem to car too much about anything but if you think about, I’m also strange.

Anyways, Karl may eat tons of relish, not shower enough or look like some character straight out of Disney, but Karl is Karl and that’s what matters. For all I care, he could never take off those headphones of his but he would still be someone that I would spend my day off watching. That’s a fact.