Monday, February 15, 2010

Honors Vocabulary Words #2

1. accord
2. bias
3. incognito
4. deduct
5. paradigm
6. plagiarize
7. objectivity
8. precipitous
9. recapitulate
10. reciprocate
11. empathy

Monday, February 8, 2010

Barter and I

Right before grandpa passed away, he gave me an orange turban. I remember him looking at me with those crystal blue yes of his and saying “With this turban, you can go anywhere you want to go, be anyone who want to be… live any life you want to live”. It wasn’t until my 8th birthday that I realized he meant what he told me in a literal way.
I had tried on the orange turban many times prior to my birthday but the thought nothing special of it. It was like a toy to me, nothing else.
I woke up on my birthday feeling really excited. I grabbed my orange turban and dashed out of my room to my find parents. They’d asked me a couple of weeks ago what I wanted for my birthday and I told them I wanted only ONE thing, “A dog”. That’s what I said every year of course; do you think I ever got one? Nope. I was hoping this year would be different, but I wasn’t counting on it. As soon as I ran into the living room, I stopped. Sitting right there on the middle of our carpet was this monster of a dog with a giant red bow on it. I was shocked… my parents had actually gone through with it this year.
As soon as me and my dog, barter, locked eyes, we knew we were meant or each other. He ran out the door, and I ran after him. As soon as I caught up to him something told me to put on my orange turban. Once I put it on, something took over me. My body felt like it was floating, and maybe because it was. Barter and I were up in the air. I wasn’t sure of where we were going… all I knew was that we were going EVERYWHERE.